Kiiroo – Pearl2 Plus Turquoise


Predviden čas dobave : 7 - 10 dni


Pearl2+ is a technologically advanced G-spot vibrator enabled with touch-sensitive technology. The slightly curved shape is perfect for G-spot stimulation and all types of external pleasure. Pearl2+ can connect to all Kiiroo products using the FeelConnect app so that partners can feel each other in real-time no matter how far apart they are. For webcam performers, Pearl2 will help them make more money as users are able to give control of their vibrator to their fans and use it for interactive tipping. What makes Pearl2+ different from Pearl2?
Aside from Pearl2+’s new, vibrant color, we’ve improved the touch plates and extended them into the tip to make Pearl2+ so much more responsive to touch. This is ideal for clitoral play or stimulation which begins as soon as the toy is inserted. One of the most exciting upgrades is the 90 minutes of battery life, so the fun can keep on going.

FeelConnect App Features:
Available on the Google Play and Apple Store.

Feel Your Lover.
Pearl2+ users can use the FeelConnect app to control their partner’s products from a distance. They can also pair their Kiiroo products to each other through the app to feel each other in real-time no matter the distance.

Feel Webcam.
Kiiroo’s webcam feature allows webcam models to sync their Pearl2+ to webcam platforms and get tipped for giving control of their toys to the fans who are watching them. The webcam business is growing and there is a huge demand for this interactive technology among performers. Compatible sites and connection instructions are available on

Feel Videos.
The vibrations of Pearl2+ sync with the motions you see on the screen, making users feel like they are in the scene. For more information and instructions on how to get started, please visit

Feel Virtual Reality.
Using mobile VR glasses and Pearl2+ users can experience high-quality adult videos filmed in 180 and 360-degrees with 3D stereoscopic views or play VR porn games. For more information and instructions on how to get started, please visit

Product Specifications:
Materials: ABS, silicone
Finish: Matte chrome for ABS, matt finish for silicone
Size: 200 x 39 x 36.5 mm / 20 x 3,9 x 3,65 cm / 7,87 x 1,53 x 1,46 inch
Box Size: 210 x 50 x 50 mm / 21 x 5 x 5 cm / 8,27 x 1,97 inch
Weight: 139g / 4,90oz / 0,30lb for device, 159g / 5,60oz / 0,35lb for device + USB cable
Battery: Lithium-ion 540 MAH 3.7V
Charging: 2 hours
User time: 1.5 hours
What you get in the box:
– USB Charging cable
– Quick Setup Guide


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KIIROO je naslednja generacija oblikovalskih spolnih igrač na platformi, ki omogoča vse, kar je mogoče. KIIROO je popolnoma nova, popolnoma interaktivna intimna izkušnja. KIIROO s sedežem v Amsterdamu na Nizozemskem je pionir v svetu teledildonikov. KIIROO je v bistvu tehnološko podjetje, ki se osredotoča na združevanje ljudi na nove in zanimive načine. Čeprav sta tehnologija in socialna interakcija bolj prepletena kot kdajkoli prej, fizična interakcija še vedno ni prisotna v enačbi. Do zdaj. Na podlagi tega vpogleda je KIIROO razvil zelo osebno platformo za družabno mreženje, skupaj z napravami, ki omogočajo resnično občutek v virtualni resničnosti. Te naprave so kot nalašč za prenos vaših odnosov prek interneta na naslednjo raven in vam omogočajo, da kadar koli izrazite svoja čustva, kjerkoli že ste.
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Kiiroo - Pearl2 Plus Turquoise

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