Inspire – Flickering Intimate Arouser


Predviden čas dobave : 7 - 10 dni


The Inspire Flickering Intimate Arouser is a unique oscillating stimulator that is designed to accelerate feminine arousal and pleasure. Massaging sensitive spots, with this sleek power-packed multi-function toy, will also enhance satisfaction and ecstasy.

This waterproof massager is made from super smooth, pastel pink, and premium silicone and is ergonomically curved to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The massager boasts ten vibration, pulsation and escalation functions, and also has a soft clitoral cup, with flickering tip for full-contact stimulation. Use it to tantalize the skin and tease sweet spots all over the body.

To recharge for further fun, this massager is USB-rechargeable and includes a charging cord. The curvy stimulator is suitable for first-time users and experienced explorers who want to take the experience of erotic sensations to another level. For increased sensitivity and pleasure, always use a quality lubricant. When not in use, clean the massager with a toy cleaner spray or wash it in warm, soapy water.

– Water Resistance: Splish splash you can even take this beautiful device in the bath. It’s completely, safely submersible.
– Max Charging Time: 240 minutes
– Max Run Time: 60 minutes
– Materials: Silicone
– Functions: 10 exciting functions are designed for the ultimate in sensual pleasure and the peak of gratifications.
– Battery Information: This product includes USB charging capabilities.


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Inspire by CalExotics je zbirka premišljeno zasnovanih izdelkov, katerih namen je izboljšati življenje žensk na njihovi poti za povečane izkušnje. Pozitivni učinki skrbi za spolno zdravje so dobro dokumentirani in vključujejo izboljšanje moči vagine, zmanjšanje fizičnega nelagodja med seksom in pomoč pri krepitvi mišic medeničnega dna. Del prihodkov od izdelkov Inspire koristi dobrodelnemu programu Living Beyond Breast Cancer, ki nudi programe in storitve ljudem, katerih življenje je prizadel rak dojke.
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Inspire - Flickering Intimate Arouser

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