Hot Octopuss – Kurve G-Spot Vibe with Treble and Bass Technology


Predviden čas dobave : 7 - 10 dni


Find your frequency with KURVE; the world’s first customisable G-spot vibrator. The mystery of the G-spot is solved!

KURVE features our patented dual-motor Treble and Bass technology, offering the ultimate in user customisation. Boasting a soft gel tip that provides a broad surface area and ergonomic contours that ensure the right kind of pressure just where you want it. KURVE is a sex toy superhero on a mission to seek out your G-spot.

Feels like Treble and Bass
Find your perfect rhythm with our dual-motor Treble and Bass Technology™. Try switching between intense high-frequency Treble waves and deep rumbly Bass vibrations. Alternatively, press play on both motors and enjoy KURVE’s throbbing symphony of the Treble and Bass combining.

KURVE G-spot seeking and raring to please
KURVE’s carefully engineered contours help you to easily identify and target your G-spot, while the soft gel tip ensures you apply the perfect pressure.

– The Treble motor at the tip emits powerful high-frequency waves.
– The Bass motor in the body delivers deep, rumbly vibrations.
– Adjust the Treble and Bass to find your perfect frequency.

Material: Silicone ABS
Colour: Plum
Weight: 189g
Size: 194 x 82 x 42mm
Function: 5 vibration modes, Unlimited customisation
Battery: Internal
Noise Level: 40db
Running Time: 2-Hours
Waterproof: Yes

– Treble and Bass Technology
– Dual-Motors (Deep Bass and Piercing Treble)
– Unlimited Customisation
– Soft Gel Tip (Super Squidgy)
– Premium Silicone


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Hot Octopuss - Kurve G-Spot Vibe with Treble and Bass Technology

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