Oxballs – Ringer Cockring 3-pack Special Edition Night


Predviden čas dobave : 7 - 10 dni


RINGER 3-pack cockrings in new NIGHT EDITION…velvety silicone finish PLUS+silicone™ blend, TPR for amazing stretch + silicone for a rubbery warm feel. NIGHT BLACK color is a deep dull-finish black that feels warm and silky-smooth, less grippy, it glides on…more like vintage black rubber—it looks rich and deep and feels super slick.

RINGER 3-pack is our superior version of cheap jelly rings, these blubbery ring grips you for a heftier package and a bigger bulge. Unlike other cheap jelly rings RINGER is thicker, stronger, and more resilient, plus a great value in this 3-pack. It’s made from our signature PLUS+siliconeâ„¢ so it’s super-soft and stretchy.

RINGER makes your junk look bigger…it keeps you rock hard and pushes your balls forward for a mouth-watering plumped-up piece of meat.

This fatty will give you a major chub! Into having your balls tugged and stretched? RINGER is great for stretching your sack…stack one or all three on your ballbag and enjoy the tugging sensation on your cum-heavy nuts.

This one’s larger and thicker and the flat inner surface keeps it where you want it, it’s a fatty that will give you a major chub! It stretches 5 times its size but snaps back to its original shape.

– NIGHT EDITION black in silky warm matt finish PLUS+siliconeâ„¢ blend
– The RINGER comes with 3 cockrings in a great value pack
– Amazingly strong, the longest-lasting basic rings
– Flat inside stays put, doesn’t roll or pinch
– One of our best-selling rings…we get on dicks

All original design copyright OXBALLS

PLUS+silicone™ is our own super-stretchy, strong blend of TPR and silicone—the right grip that doesn’t pinch. Phthalate-free and no scent.
LUBE SAFE: Water-based lube, hybrid, or silicone lube recommended. Oil-based lubes are not recommended.
CARE: Wash after use in warm soapy water, air dry. Store toys separately: we recommend storing in breathable cloth pouches or for larger toys, in cotton socks.

Width: 4.45 cm
Height: 1.27 cm
Outer circumference: 12.7 cm
Inner Circumference: 5.08 cm
Weight: 15.49 cm

**measurements are as accurate as possible; our liquid silicone toys are handmade so slight size variations can occur.


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Oxballs igrače poganjajo dizajn, iščejo nove ideje, igrače, ki delujejo in trajajo in postajajo priljubljene. Oxballs igrače vsebujejo podrobnosti, zaradi katerih se počutijo neverjetne ... od preprostih c-obročev, ki se ne valjajo in ne stisnejo - ostanejo tam, kjer želite, do naprednih igrač, ki so trajne in sprožijo domišljijo. Kakovostni materiali, kot je njihova mešanica flex TPR, ki je zelo močna in raztegljiva, njihova plus + silikonska mešanica, ki se počuti prožno in svilnato do svojega najboljšega čistega platinastega silikona, ki je mehak, topel in postane del vas ... Oxballs je namenjen izdelovanju igrač iz materialov, ki naj se naše igrače počutijo najbolje. Oxballs ima igračo za večino vseh fantov, tip, ki je nov za uporabo igrač za izboljšanje njegove spolne igre ... za fante ali pare, ki želijo kul ali nenavadne igrače. Oxballs izdeluje igrače v barvah, ki pritegnejo pozornost kupcev, in embalažo, ki je čudovita temna in seksi. Oxballs je blagovna znamka, ki jo zahtevajo po imenu, z ikoničnimi igračami pa kupci hrepenijo in iščejo. So blagovne znamke, s katerimi se hvalijo.
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Oxballs - Ringer Cockring 3-pack Special Edition Night

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