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Intimina – Lily Cup menstrualne skodelice B


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The only cup that rolls as thin as a tampon.

Featuring an angled form that complements your anatomy, Lily Cup is the only cup that can be rolled as thin as a tampon. For users with a higher cervix or a heavier flow, Lily Cup’s ultra-smooth design, slanted rim, and high capacity offer complete comfort all period long. Lily Cup allows you to enjoy 12-hours of long-lasting protection that can accommodate the lightest to heaviest flow.

– Freedom from your period.
– Ultra-soft, medical grade silicone
– Perfect for users with a higher cervix
– Covers the lightest to heaviest flow
– No odors, irritation or dryness
– No-spill rim for worry-free protection
– Up to 12 hours of period protection
– Available in two sizes
– Reusable and eco-friendly

Your new menstrual cup offers you the perfect opportunity to get up close and personal with your body and embrace it as it deserves. So thank Mother Nature for giving you an excuse to explore yourself, and discover your own intimacy.

TO TRIM, or not to trim
Is your menstrual cup rubbing you the wrong way? You might be able to solve your problem with a simple snip of the cup’s retrieval stem. The most important factor to consider before you shorten the stem is the height of your cervix, because this determines the length of your vagina and whether your cup will fit comfortably.

HOW to use

Flatten the opening with the tall rim facing away from you. Tightly roll your cup upwards.

As you would with a tampon, angle your cup towards your tailbone and insert it upwards until the stem is inside. The tall rim of the cup should be situated towards your back.

Place correctly
Run your finger around the cup to confirm it’s open. Wear it up to 12 hours.

Gently push the cup down and grip the stem to slowly pull downwards. Once you can feel the base of the cup softly squeeze the base to release the seal.

Size guide
Size A is recommended for women who have not given birth or for those who have given birth by caesarean.

Size B is recommended for women who have given birth or for those who have been diagnosed with a weaker pelvic floor.


Teža 102 kg
Dimenzije 0,14 × 115 × 0,05 cm



Vsi izdelki Intimina so zasnovani z dolgotrajnostjo. Ne da bi žrtvovali uspešnost ali vrednost, naši oblikovalci in inženirji nenehno iščejo boljše načine za izboljšanje načina dela. Intimina proizvodna veja je izpopolnila svoje postopke za zmanjšanje porabe materialov, energije in vode ter za zmanjšanje izpustov CO2. Izdelki Intimina so skladni z OEEO (izpolnjevanje ciljev za zbiranje, recikliranje in predelavo za vse vrste električne opreme). Intimina se je pridružila svetovni pobudi za oblikovanje sprememb, ustvarjanje izdelkov, ki znatno zmanjšajo vpliv na okolje.
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Intimina - Lily Cup menstrualne skodelice B


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